Kova Robotics

Smart Urban Maintenance with Intelligent UGV Solutions
Version v1.0.0

Utility Vehicles Reimagined for a Sustainable Future

Kova is committed to transforming utility vehicle services in urban and suburban areas by replacing traditional, emission-heavy vehicles with electric, remotely controlled, and partially autonomous UGVs. Our mission is to provide efficient and eco-friendly surface maintenance solutions, reducing environmental impact and costs for communities.

Our Mission

At Kova Robotics, we want to transform urban maintenance through smart Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) technology. Our remotely operated UGVs, powered by 4G/5G networks, offer a comprehensive solution for efficient, eco-friendly, and safe urban care.

Why Choose Kova Robotics?

Our Services

Our Approach

Leveraging the Robot-as-a-Service (RaaS) model, we provide flexible, scalable solutions. Our initial focus includes:

Partner with Us

Ready to revolutionize your maintenance operations? Contact Kova Robotics to discover how our UGV solutions can enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and promote sustainability in your urban environment.